Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How to Bleach Your Hair from Black to Platinum

Give Your Black Hair the Perfect Platinum Hues with the Right Bleaching Products 

Fashion and glamour go hand in hand and that is why so many ladies and gents today are deciding to go from black hair to a jaw dropping platinum blonde. 

For hair that's dark black or dark brown, coloring or bleaching it to get the perfect platinum or white hues is a real challenge. The first thing that you need to do is check the condition of your hair. Beaching hair can cause significant damage if not done correctly.

If your hair has already been colored or processed, it's probably best to avoid bleaching and waiting until your hair is in good condition.  While you wait for your hair to get ready for bleaching, you can always opt to wear a wig or head scarf until your own hair is ready to take the bleach.

If your hair is strong and healthy and you are ready to get started, please read on.  If your hair is  dark black, transitioning to platinum blonde hair will require repeated bleaching with a few days gap in between. It’s a gradual process, that is well worth the effort and the wait. 

In the intermediate stages, your hair will have a tinge of orange, moving to copper shades and other hues which are not exactly blonde. While you are in between processing, you can hide your hair under a hat or a scarf to give the hair time to take the changes.

Choosing the right bleaching product for your hair is also very important. It's better to get a bleaching kit that consists of a bleaching powder including liquid peroxide which is perfect for dark hair. Knowing the right strength of peroxide from volume 10 to volume 40 is essential to keep your scalp safe. The bleach should just be used in the tip of the dark hair and it shouldn't touch your scalp. 

Performing a strand test is a must as it lets you have an idea of how long the dye will sit to give you the perfect and desired hue. For your own safety, it’s better to read the manufacturer's instructions to get the best results based on your hair type. Once you have done the strand test and want to start with the real work, do the following:

Prepare your hair by soaking it overnight in coconut oil (melted). 

Massage your scalp for extra protection from extra damage during bleaching. Leave on your hair for approximately 14 hours for best results.  There is no need to rinse out the coconut oil before bleaching. 

Part your hair into long sections to give you consistent beach results. 

Protect your skin, eyes and clothing as bleach can be dangerous to these sensitive important parts and tarnish your clothing

Mix the bleach in a non-metallic bowl with equal measurements of developer and powder. 

Use tint brush and keep the mixture apparently 1 cm away from the scalp. 

Apply mixture in direction of hair growth. Do back quarters of your head first and then move to the front of your head

Put on a cap to cover your head once a saturation level is achieved. Keep checking in every 10 minutes until you get the desired color. You can also apply heat using a blow dryer to speed up the process. 

Apply bleach to roots after 10 or 20 minutes. 

Rinse the bleach out once you have achieved the specific pale yellow color. Rinse with lukewarm water. 

Use shampoo for bleached hair. 

Towel dry your hair and avoid blow drying this time. 

You will need about three sessions in a month to achieve the desired results. Wait at least two or three weeks before processing the hair again using the right toners.  Blue toners or violet toners are better for dark hair. 

Prepare the toner properly as you blend 1 part of toner with 2 parts of volume developer.  It’s better to use 10 volume or 20 volume developer as a 40 volume developer will be too harsh. Apply toners swiftly and trace your timing carefully. 

Rinse your hair with shampoo and conditioner to see the results. 

Take out your mirror and say hello to that fabulous, beautiful new blonde you. You have successfully achieved star celebrity star looking blonde hair you have always dreamed of. 

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